Scanning Probe Microscope Bruker Dimension Icon (ICON-SPM)

Evelína Gablech, Ph.D.

Instrument status:
Operational Operational, 2.4.2024 14:01

Equipment placement:
CEITEC Nano - C1.22

Dimension Icon incorporates the latest evolution of Bruker’s industry-leading nanoscale imaging and characterization technologies on a large sample tip-scanning AFM platform. It can be set up to perform major AFM modes such as Contact, Tapping, Noncontact, and additionally PeakForce in ScanAsyst imaging mode. In CEITEC Nano, we can perform advanced SPM modes such as Magnetic Force Microscopy, Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, Kelvin Probe Microscopy, Fast Tapping mode, and several other state-of-the-art techniques.


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  • Non-contact Mode       
  • Contact Mode 
  • Tapping Mode (intermittent, tapping) 
  • Phase Imaging 
  • Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)              
  • Force Spectroscopy      
  • Force Modulation          
  • Force Volume  
  • Electric Field Microscopy (EFM)              
  • Surface Potential Microscopy / Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy              
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)      
  • STM     
  • PeakForce TUNA/CAFM , PeakForce QNM       
  • Nanoindentation           
  • Electrochemistry + potentiostat

System is capable of measurements in ScanAsyst mode.


Lateral range 90 μm
Vertical range 10 μm
Close-loop (all three axis)
Automatic approach to sample
Lateral noise less than 0.15 nm RMS (close-loop on)
Vertical noise less than 35 pm RMS (close-loop on)

Sample Holder

Maximum sample size 210 mm in diameter
Maximum sample height 15 mm
Vacuum hold
Scripting (automatic possitioning)
Repetability 2 μm
Temperature range –35°C to 250°C

Optical Microscope

Resolution 5MPx (1.6 μm)
Illumination control by software
View field 1,465 to 180 μm

Keithley Current Source 6220 for lithography

Range 100fA to 100mA
Output impedance 1014 Ω


Tapping Mode Type of Analysis

ScanAsyst-Air Type of Analysis


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