Low Temperature Vibrating Sample Magnetometr Cryogenic Limited (CRYOGENIC)

Klára Jelénková

Instrument status:
Non Operational Non Operational, 19.12.2024 16:30, The problems with the CRYOGENIC stability

Equipment placement:
CEITEC Nano - C1.56

This cryogen-free magnet system (CRYOGENIC), suitable for measuring both electrical and magnetic properties of samples, allows the experimenter to achieve low temperatures 1.6K up to 400K while applying magnetic fields up to 9T to their samples.

The Cryogen-Free High Field Measurement System combines the latest cryogen-free technology with sophisticated measurement techniques providing a versatile, powerful investigative device achieving low temperatures and high magnetic fields without the use of liquid helium or nitrogen. The cryocooler provides the cooling to both the magnet and the variable temperature insert (VTI).

Available for these fields and temperature ranges are the following measurement options:
· DCR (direct current resistivity)
· VSM (vibrating sample magnetometry)
· ACS (alternative current susceptibility)


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Instrument is comprised of the following components:

  • A cryostat incorporating a cryocooler, superconducting magnet, He pot for liquid He storage and a variable temperature sample space.
  • Variable temperature insert (VTI) circuit including He dump vessel and VTI pump (closed circuit, separated from lab He supply).
  • Additional pumping system for cryostat vacuum, He supply and Scroll pump for sample chamber venting and evacuation and external manometer for sample chamber pressure detection.
  • Rack incorporating electronics for control and monitoring of the cryostat and measurement options.
  • Measurement system software.
  • Measurement options (DCR, VSM, ACS) with corresponding sample probes, holders and connections.
Cryocooler system and cryostat

Cooling materials to cryogenic temperatures has traditionally used liquid cryogens (usually helium and nitrogen). The same results may be achieved more simply by mechanical means, using a cryocooler. Cryocoolers operate using a helium compressor, which requires just mains power and a source of cooling water. The cryocooler high pressure helium circuit is completely independent to the rest of the measurement system. However, it provides the cooling to both the magnet and the variable temperature insert (VTI). The cryostat is a vacuum insulated chamber whose primary function is to support and thermally shield the superconducting magnet and VTI.

Superconducting magnet

The magnet in our system is a vertically oriented solenoid wound from copper stabilised filamentary niobium titanium (NbTi) superconducting wire. The coil is cooled by the cryocooler to an operating temperature of 3–4 K.

Sample requirements:

In case of DCR there are 6-pin pucks available for samples max. 5x10 mm. DCR sample holder for these pucks has one in-plane and one out-of-plane sample orientation. The electrical connections from the sample to the puck are made by the wire bonder.

In case of VSM and ACS the sample attachment to sample holders are identical. For powder samples polypropylene capsules are used and fitted in a brass trough, other samples (e.g. thin films on substrates) can be attached to a carbon holder by a special glue (only in-plane orientation, max. sample size 5x5 mm) or fitted in straw (both in-plane and out-of-plane orientation possible, sample size limited by the straw size).


Field directionVertical
Magnetic field rangemax. 9 T
Maximum field ramp rate0.5 T/min
Temperature range1.6 - 400 K
Temperature stability+/- 0.05 K
Maximum temperature rate2 K/min
He dump vessel pressure (system at room temperature)Atmosphere +0.25 bar (approx.)
He dump vessel pressure (system at base temperature)Atmosphere -0.5 bar (approx.)


Compressor typeSumitomo F-70H
Cold head type4K Pulse Tube Cold Head
Compressor equalization pressure (system warmed up, compressor off)240 psig
Compressor operating pressure (system cooled down, compressor on)300-310 psig


Temperature controlLakeshore temperature controler model 350
Temperature monitorLakeshore 218 temperature monitor
CurrentKeithley K2400
VoltageKeithley 2182A


Link to official instrument manuals (access for CEITEC Nano users only after login):

official instrument manuals - CRYOGENIC

For more documentation created by CEITEC Nano see the "Document Library" section.