Ultra High Vacuum Preparation and Analytical System - Low Energy Ion Spectroscopy ION-TOF Qtac 100 (UHV-LEIS)

Stanislav Průša, Ph.D.

Instrument status:
Operational Operational, 14.9.2023 10:20

Equipment placement:
CEITEC Nano - C1.38

The low-energy ion scattering spectroscope (LEIS) system is one of the instruments of the UHV-Cluster, which combines preparation and in-situ analysis by several complementary methods for the characterization of surfaces and thin films. The LEIS instrument provides the possibility of analysis of the elemental composition of a top-most surface layer via energy spectroscopy of back-scattered noble gas ions. Equipment: He, Ne, Ar ion sources, full azimuth acceptance analyzer for enhanced sensitivity, atomic oxygen source for sample cleaning, independent load-lock chamber.


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