Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy Nanonics Imaging MV 4000 (SNOM-NANONICS)

Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy Nanonics Imaging MV 4000

Petr Viewegh, Ph.D.

Instrument status:
Operational Operational, 9.2.2018 17:18

Complex microscopy and analysis of surfaces, (ultra)thin films and micro/nanostructures mostly ex situ monitoring of semi-products prepared in individual steps of technologies available at CEITEC or outside. Microscopy provided by an advanced electron beam microscopy and top scanning probe techniques. Analysis based on the key surface science methods like XPS, AES and SIMS. Utilizing ion beam sputtering in surface cleaning and depth profiling of (ultra)thin films.


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Nanonics MultiView 4000

Multi-probe independentScanning Probe Microscope (SPM) fully integreated with upright and inverted optical microscope.


SPM techniques – SNOM, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), conductive AFM, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Two – independent probe scanning system, sample scanning
Combined SNOM collection, illumination with reflection and transmission modes

Probes – bent optical fibers on tuning fork according to applications
Liquid cell
Optical and acoustic hoods


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