Spin flop and crystalline anisotropic magnetoresistance in CuMnAs


Wang, M; Andrews, C; Reimers, S; Amin, OJ; Wadley, P; Campion, RP; Poole, SF; Felton, J; Edmonds, KW; Gallagher, BL; Rushforth, AW; Makarovsky, O; Gas, K; Sawicki, M; Kriegner, D; Zubac, J; Olejnik, K; Novak, V; Jungwirth, T; Shahrokhvand, M; Zeitler, U; Dhesi, SS; Maccherozzi, F, 2020: Spin flop and crystalline anisotropic magnetoresistance in CuMnAs. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101(9), p. 094429-1 - 8, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.094429; FULL TEXT

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